Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh How The Sky Blushes...

I've been really busy and sleepy. I was supposed to see Alice in Wonderland last night with one of my friends and had to cancel on him last minute because I was too exhausted to do anything but sit around. Tonight is my last Friday night where I won't be working...until this job switches my fixed hours around, OR I get a new job. I won't be getting a new job for a while though, so I have no idea when the former will be occurring.

I need to stop by ASU to turn in my MMR shot records AND I need to get my student ID. I need to apply for scholarships. I need to actually finish taxes. I'm just so tired I have no idea when I'm going to be able to finish all of this crap. Also, I suck at Math. Usually if I have a bad teacher I can teach myself from the text book, but this textbook sucks. Maybe I have just gotten shitty at math but I don't really know. I think its a class consensus that our teacher is a horrible teacher.

When time turns into an obsolete figure and hours turn into years; perhaps that's when you'll realize that I disappeared. I took a train to a rainy day in a far off place of yesterday. Where adults still dream and tell the truth; where life seems to never turn uncouth.

An hour and a half until math...perhaps I can fit in ASU MMR documents in that time....Bye

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