Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good Morning

Alright so, I just decided that I'm pulling an all nighter and then going to school, coming home, and passing out today. Sometime, eventually. I went to Coffee Rush with Heather and drank too much espresso, laughed too much, and now I cannot sleep. Heather is now currently sound asleep on my dad's couch, and I am on here (internet) deciding that perhaps I should write. Not flowery bullshit, but the likes of which I used to post on Livejournal, but let us hope that its not as angsty ~~*~~***~.

Alright so, school is going very well. More so, my future is going very well. The classes I am currently taking are a great selection for a forth semester Psychology major, however, considering I am no longer a Psych major, they are close to obsolete. I'll still do my best (or at least close to it), but its a tidbit counterproductive. None the less, I am devastatingly excited for the schooling that is to come. There are no words to really express my enthusiasm.

Today I realized that the general population of the loves in my life have come to a consensus. Once realizing this, I have not as much confusion over a topic that has been troubling me for quite some time. So now, after countless rephrasing of the same thing from countless people, Heather has finally put it into perspective for me. For one reason or another, I feel like her word is the final word; she's rather unbiased when reflecting back information that concerns my personal life. I'm rather fortunate. I really do worry too much.

My toes are kind of cold and I keep phasing in and out of concentration. This is something that happens more often when I am tired, and I'm sure that I am, but the espresso runs deep and I can't shake it off. I feel kind of grateful for the alone time because I have been staying at dad's house for the past week and a half and I've been surrounded by people mostly (which has been the point). I went back to my apartment today because I remembered I had an electric bill to pay and some dishes that needed to be tended to. At first it was nice, but it was short lived. I don't really know what it is, but I just can't do it.

There is this part of Garden State where Largeman is talking to Sam and to sum it up he says something to the affect of how when you leave your parents home, you never really feel at home again until you establish a family of your own. I think there is a lot of truth in that. Home seems like it should be a place to come to for love. Yes, I love myself...but thats totally not the same thing. Eh, this sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not..its just a thought.

Last weekend, aside from working and doing homework, I basically just spent the rest of my time talking with my dad. I forgot how close we used to be. I remember when I first moved out here, we would talk and hang out all of the time. But, I think as I got older, I got busier, and I think he just keeps getting more bored with his life. But, this weekend it was like old times, talked about everything and bullshitted about The Beatles and a variety of philosophies we've concocted. My dad has done a lot of things that I don't necessarily agree with, and it IS frustrating, but he's also a good man. Dad may be a bit shaky on his parenting skills at times (like many parents are) but he is a great friend. My parents have flaws, but I love them very much.

Well, thats all I've got. Good morning.

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