Thursday, February 25, 2010

Contortionists, Art, & An Interview

I climbed out of a picture frame. A frame that you once thought was a mirror of all your hopes and dreams. Every time you looked back, prior to me getting the hell out of there, I was contorted into another pose. I kept hoping that instead of having to crawl out of the frame, perhaps you would just get rid of it. But you didn't, you seemed actually excited to wake up every morning in order to see what new shenanigans I had gotten my self into. I would do stretches at night in order to concoct new tactics, in order to be limber; I essentially turned myself into something of a contortionist. Now that I'm out in the real world, I realize that people actually pay money to see this kind of stuff, so WHY would you have thrown me out? If anything, I had actually made myself more desirable.

On a more practical note...yesterday, Heather bought me dinner and put ten dollars in my tank. When I got home(dad's), Mathew had finished my laundry. Thanks guys.

Today I have an appointment to speak with an Art adviser @Asu. Tomorrow I have an interview at a delivery service and I'm up for a Customer Service Representative position. I'll be making $10 p/h, getting at least 25 hours a week, and my shifts don't start until 3:45pm. Its perfect. *Fingers crossed*. These next couple of days should be productive.

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