Friday, May 7, 2010


I'm obsessed with this Stevie Wonder song.

Irrelevant. So, I have to cancel on everyone in California...again. Shea is going to hate me. My mom told me the other day that she has no funds in order to make my car payments. I know its not her fault but I'm freaking out because I still have to pay for school. So, obviously there is no way to go on any trip. I don't even know if I am going to be able to afford school. I wish my parents weren't so broke. However, I did fill out my FAFSA, so maybe I can talk to MCC and it will somehow apply to summer school? Idk, all I know is that I need to get on it now that school is practically over. I have to finals next week and then I'm finished. I feel like victory. Thats just how I do bitch. :p

I have to go because I can't listen to Brandi Carlile and type at the same time.
The woman is a genius and she pulls on my heart strings. If you read me, listen to her.
Au Revoir

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