Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A couple of weeks later...

Alright so, I haven't updated in kind of a long time in the world of Krystal. There isn't much new except for (I guess) a newish (more like...just "enforced") state of mind. I feel...elated I guess would be the right word.

School IS OUT and I am enjoing is also back in on the 1st so...jfc fuck me, right? It's alright though, I'm really "bee-line" oriented. OH ALSO DEAR BLOGGER, I totally got A's and B's again. My GPA is so pretty, it makes me blush.

Something INCREDIBLY odd...I've gotten back in touch with Kevin Joel Rozell. I don't really know how I feel about it. He sent me like...three myspace messages, which I got kind of late because...well, who goes on myspace? Anyways, he apologized, blah blah blah. I told him I wasn't much of a myspacer, and so now we've been "texting". I'm not sure why "texting" is in quotes. I guess it's just because it seems ...idk, crass? Story onward....
But basically, him and his chick are still together, he constantly complains about her..and OH YEAH...I forgot...Kevin is going to be a dad in the end of August...............yup. Fucking. Weird. It's a girl, and her name is Chelsea. Really freaks me out. But yeah, Kevin is a pretty negative person and half of our conversations, I feel like a motivational mother trying to get her son's spirits up. That's kind of mean, but I don't know how else to explain it. HE's also hitting on my half of the time and I never return it and instead reply with things like..."Hey aren't you practically married and having a child soon?!" and also..."Uhm yeah, no you don't want to be with me Kevin, we're practically strangers"....Really man...I don't think so.

On a much more bitter sweet note (I guess that last paragraph was pretty bitter sweet as well?....*shrugs*), last night...I pretty much had a blasty blast. I kind of looked sloppy, but somehow it still worked out fine. Listening to hip hop and looking at art. Not to mention the bomb ass down time. I'm only just kind of worried that it's fleeting. Because...well, it always seems to be. But that's alright...because over the past year I have learned that A. I can never stay mad at Drew. And B. He almost always tries to do what is best. So, I guess I need to not be a faggot about it.

Another (brief) part of last night....
"Krystal 2 Young." <=====Weird favourite thing in the entire world right now as of late. Seriously, I have logged HOURS reading this womans blog....backwards..? Anyways, it's really brilliant, and she's fucking crazy...and I love her. Her life is rather's just, the way she conveys it to her readers is just fucking hilarious. Jealous of her mastered funny talents=me...fosho.

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