Monday, January 16, 2012

The Holidays

So, the holidays were a blur. A really fucking awesome blur.

You know how Christmas is always this...idk entity thing, that for some reason, you are super excited for it all year...and then it comes, and it totally sucks?

Well that's what Christmas WAS NOT for once ever.

I totally peed my pants during the month long Holiday season with Erik. It was amazing.

I got, probably the best, presents ever. Erik and I confessed our undying, never want to be apart, love to eachother (I don't give a fuck, puke in your mouth at my love, I dare you) and got eachother promise rings. Yeah, we're pretty cute. SO. FUCKING. ADORABLE.


Then New Years was drunk.
Ya it should be.

I loved it.
Well...except for the hangover.
But my dad bought hangover I'm fine with it, actually....

Alright, bye :}

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